The RiverLink project is set to transform Lower Hutt City by turning the central city around to face the Hutt River, improving flood protection with improved stop banks, and improving walking, cycling, and transport access, Martin White, the Project Director. told a club meeting on 16 June.
RiverLink is a partnership between the Greater Wellington Regional Council, the Hutt City Council and Wake Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. The current timetable would see detailed design and construction beginning in late 2022, with the new Melling Interchange and a pedestrian bridge linked to the city centre to be completed in late 2026.
It is expected that the private sector will lead the redevelopment of key sites along the river corridor for residential and leisure use.
The flood protection works include the deepening and widening of the river channel and a new stop bank on the eastern side of the river.
The Melling transport improvements include a new and safer interchange, a new river bridge, a pedestrian and cycling bridge and the relocation to the south of the train station.