Supporting local families in need

Supporting local families in needEach December, Rotary Hutt City works with the Salvation Army to collect gifts for distribution to families in the Hutt Valley where children might otherwise miss out. The collection point is the Tree of Joy, erected in Queensgate Mall and staffed by club members. In 2024, 2500 gifts were donated, a significant increase from previous years. ![]() ![]() |
Furnishing the River Trail![]() Many of our members are successful local businesses providing products and services both locally and beyond. One such business is Metal Art Limited, based in Seaview. From its roots in the commercial furniture market, the business has expanded into a wide range of associated products, many of which have a visible presence along the Hutt River Trail, a community project initiated by Rotary Hutt City and now a highly visible and much-used part of the Hutt Valley. Beginning with gabion picnic settings, initially developed, built and installed with support from club members, the company now supplies bollards, bike racks, drinking fountains, picnic sets and distance markers. These furnishings are a valuable addition to the experience for trail users. ![]() ![]() |
IYM goes from strength to strengthRotary Hutt City has been closely associated with the Innovative Young Minds programme since its earliest days. Club members continue to serve on the governing board and the club is an active supporter. Since IYM's establishment, other local Rotary clubs have added their support, both in fundraising and in nominating students to attend IYM residential programmes, along with a range of organisations and businesses. IYM encourages young women in years 11 and 12 to explore science, technology, engineering, mathematics and high-tech manufacturing and to learn about career opportunities in these sectors. The lead sponsor of the 2024 residential programme was Pertronic, a manufacturer of advanced automatic fire detection and alarm systems. Pertronic is a business member of Rotary Hutt City. Forty-one young women from across the local North Island took part. ![]() |
Helping fund vital heart research![]() Hutt City Rotarians were busy on 23-24 February, collecting donations for the Heart Foundation annual street appeal. The collection was well supported by shoppers and the total raised exceeded expectations. |
We're growing!Rotary Hutt City continues to experience significant membership growth, particularly through the club's corporate membership programme, Rotabiz. At our meeting on 7 February, we welcomed Hana Tuisano, and Michael Markham (representing corporate member, PKF Kendons). (l. to r. President Andy Soper, Hana Tuisano, Rob Cranna) (Michael Markham) ![]() |
2023 achievementsAs we look back on 2023, there have been many great moments, from the launch of the Ngauranga - Petone section of the Great Harbour Way, the ongoing care and improvement of plantings along the Hutt River Trail, supporting the Walk for Mental Health, toasting marshmallows at Matariki, helping Nourish to supply food hampers to families at Christmas, and culminating in the collection of presents for local children through the Tree of Joy. Meanwhile, we have supported the continued success of Innovative Young Minds, provided cash grants to local charities, and helped young people to develop leadership skills. Through all this, we have enjoyed one another's company while growing our membership. The future is bright. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Rotary and businessesRotary Hutt City (RHC) has launched an innovative form of relationship for businesses and other organizations, known as ROTABIZ. This initiative aims to bring together RHC, one of 46,000 + Rotary clubs worldwide working to bring about change in our communities, and organizations looking for ways that they and their staff can participate in doing good in Hutt City. ![]() At a recent ROTABIZ event, a founding corporate member described its motivation for participation in the following terms: "We had found it a challenge to identify worthwhile projects that made a real difference in our community. Rotary is a footprint to many effective projects. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not just a buzz word. Now more than any other time, it is likely that a strategy for CSR is a requirement when tendering on larger contractual work. A 'ROTABIZ Business for good' membership provides access to all Rotary projects and offers community engagement in a fun and informal way, staff development through their involvement in projects and promises business relationships that potentially improve “the bottom line”. There is nothing like a bunch of like minded companies - a coalition of the willing - getting together to improve our community and at the same time creating business opportunities between us. The ROTABIZ website ( for Business members allows users to communicate in real time. It's also great for reporting on new business opportunities which benefit other ROTABIZ members. Lastly, there are personal development opportunities which Rotary offers our young leaders through youth development programs." |
Food hampers for ChristmasWe were pleased to partner with Farrah's Breads of Upper Hutt to support the work of the Nourish Trust, a local charity that provides food hampers to families across the Wellington Region for Christmas. The Farrah's team hosted a large group of Hutt City Rotarians, partners and supporters for a tour of their state of the art wraps and pizza base-making facility and supplied breakfast to follow. This collaboration involving Rotary, local businesses and a local charity is yet another example of the benefits of our strategy of linking up businesses and charities to support families in our community. ![]() ![]() |
Support for mental health![]() The club welcomed the opportunity to assist with tackling this challenging problem, and provided funding to defray the costs of the inaugural festival in 2022 and a second event in 2023. Club members and friends also assisted at the 2023 festival. The festivals feature live music, and talks about mental health. Profits are donated to mental health charities.
Starting another year![]() On 1 July, we celebrated this record of accomplishment. We also welcomed a new President, Andy Soper, whose term runs for the next 12 months. Andy was 'knighted' by outgoing President Gaylene. ![]() |
The Great Harbour WayIn the early 2000's, the Great Harbour Way Coalition was formed, initially by a group of cycling and walking enthusiasts and later with the enthusiastic support of Hutt City Rotarians and other clubs from across the region. The goal of the Coalition was to advocate for the creation of a continuous pathway for cyclists and walkers around the entire length of the foreshore of Wellington Harbour. ![]() (Great Harbour Way Coalition supporters, including Allan Brown (2nd from left), former chair of the Coalition and Linton Adams (far right), not Hutt City Rotarians) While work proceeded on other sections of the pathway, the missing link remained the Petone-Ngauranga section. This would always be the most challenging and expensive element, incorporating as it does both a 5 metre-wide pathway and protection for the adjoining rail track. ![]() At a launch event on 16 March, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Michael Wood, accompanied by the Lower Hutt and Wellington Mayors, the Chair of the Regional Council and other dignitaries, celebrated the commencement of construction of Te Ara Tupua; the Petone-Ngauranga seaside path. The pathway will link with the existing Petone-Melling section and the full Hutt River Trail. It is expected to be completed in 2026.
Supporting young people in our communityWith strong support of businesses from across the Hutt Valley and Wellington, RHC has held another successful bowls event to raise funds to improve the resilience and wellbeing of young people. Eighteen teams competed for the winners' trophy, while raffles, spot prizes and the opportunity to dress up added to the fun. ![]() ![]() The charities benefitting from the event were:
Agriculture in 2022![]() With an ageing workforce and difficulties in attracting staff, famers are dealing with skyrocketing production costs, rising consumer expectations around food quality and traceability, and pressures to lessen the environmental impacts of farming activities. |
Manor Park Trail![]() Thirty years ago, Rotary Hutt City conceived and launched a project to develop a walking and cycling trail beside the Hutt River. The final section of the trail has been completed with the planting of one thousand native trees and shrubs by Club members at Manor Park. All of the nine Rotary Clubs in the Upper and Lower Hutt Valley have been involved in helping to create this wonderful recreational asset along with assistance from Upper Hutt City, Lower Hutt City and Greater Wellington Regional Council. . ![]() |
The Future for the City![]() The Mayor of Hutt City, Campbell Barry, spoke at our meeting on 3 August, on the state of the city and Council’s current priorities and challenges. This continues an association between the Club and the Council that stretches back to 1943, with the then Mayor John Andrews being elected as the Club’s inaugural President. Campbell was 28 years old when first elected as Mayor - one of the youngest Mayors in NZ at the time. The Council is grappling with the need for large investments in infrastructure because of the physical characteristics of the city (the Hutt Valley is the largest flood plain in NZ), climate change, rapid population growth, and social inequality. Major planned investments include $587 million for Three Waters, $406 million for transport improvements, $136 million for Riverlink and $89 million for the replacement of the Naenae Pool complex. After static or declining numbers ten years ago, the Hutt City population is today around 113,000 and is expected to reach 150,000 by 2043 (100 years after Rotarian Mayor John Andrews). As a result, very high levels of house construction are required over the next twenty years. In 2021, 1067 new residential consents were issued, including 244 houses and 544 town houses. While the Council has concerns about the effect on heritage areas of higher density residential rules and relaxed parking requirements imposed by central government, Council is obliged to work with this changing environment. The Council values key partnerships, with Mana Whenua represented by five Iwi organisations and two Marae, and with the Club in the ongoing development of the Hutt River Trail and Innovative Young Minds. He also noted the recently formed Wellington Regional Leadership Committee, which aims to cooperate and plan a shared approach to problems and find the best outcomes to maximize the benefits across the region. |
Matariki 2022The Rotary team arrived at Boulcott School at 6.00 a.m. on 23 June to help celebrate Matariki with marshmallow roasting. ![]() It was pitch dark , frosty and windless---the lights on our beanies helped with the loading of the firewood into the braziers. Brian Ross arrived with his infamous "flame thrower" and seven braziers were lit, each one representing one of the Matariki stars in the constellation. By 7.00 a.m., the school community was setting up for breakfast and the Maori cultural presentation commenced with the haunting playing of a conch shell. The corridor inside the school had been decorated with Matariki stories and the ultraviolet light provided a surreal setting. At the end of the speeches a piper played 'Amazing Grace' and then the marshmallows were ALL ON for young and not so young. The Matariki stars rose over the Wainui hill and were slowly extinguished by the new rising sun on a magnificent morning. What a great event --- emotional and uplifting to experience our very first official Matariki event. ![]() ![]() |
Finding the answers!![]() IYM, with the support of Rotary Hutt City, other Rotary clubs and commercial sponsors, offers online and residential programmes showcasing study, research and career opportunities available in these fields. Twice a year, Rotary Hutt City organises a quiz and auction evening to raise funds for IYM's work. May's event was yet another enjoyable and highly successful evening, raising over $12,000. ![]() |
Corporate challenge for Wellington Children's HospitalLocal businesses are swinging in behind the Rotary Hutt City raffle to raise funds for furnishing two Whanau rooms at the new Wellington Children's Hospital. Research New Zealand, CK & Co NZ, Whitelabel NZ and NLC Payroll have each purchased 100 tickets at $10 each and challenge other local businesses to do the same. To sweeten the challenge, participating businesses will go into a draw to win a massive 4.5kg block of Toblerone chocolate! |
The Great Harbour Way![]() With big dreams and a vision for a walking and cycling trail from Red Rocks, Owhiro Bay, to Point Howard, Rotary Hutt City member Allan Brown was a driving force behind a unique coalition established in 2008. Bringing together Living Streets Aotearoa, Cycle Aware Wellington and Rotary, the Great Harbour Way was born. A charitable trust was formed, funds were raised to support expert advice, and 35 submissions were made to local councils and NZTA. The fruits of this work were revealed in 2021, with the announcement of Government funding for the Ngauranga-Petone and Eastern Bays sections, as well as additional funding for the Hutt River Trail (another flagship project originated by Rotary Hutt City members in 1992), the granting of resource consents and the announcement of a project delivery team. With construction expected to begin in 2022, the vision of a seamless walking and cycling route around Wellington Harbour with links to the Hutt River Trail and on to the Wairarapa, is on the way to becoming a reality and a unique community resource for the Wellington and Hutt communities. |
Win a car and support the new Wellington Children's Hospital![]() ![]() To find out more, email or text 0214 688 04 giving your details and she’ll be in touch. Ticket sales are from 16 February to 09 May 2022. Thanks in advance for your support. |
Traditional Christmas Puddings![]() |
Progress on Wellington Childrens' Hospital![]() All works are scheduled to be completed in late 2022, and, once rigorous commission testing of all services has been completed, the building will be open to patients and families. The Spring Newsletter is available here. Rotary District 9940 clubs raised over $400,000 for the two whanau spaces in the new hospital, |
A tribute to Bob Rowell![]() President Gaylene paid tribute to Bob as our truly talented but always modest friend. Honorary membership is given only to persons who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals. |
Innovative Young Minds 2021![]() Founded in 2017 by Rotary Hutt City and Hutt City Council, IYM’s goal is to expose young women in Year 11 and 12 to career and research opportunities available in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and high-tech manufacturing). IYM seeks to encourage diversity in New Zealand’s science and technology industry by inspiring a new generation of innovators and industry leaders. |
Marshmallows for MatarikiOne of our most popular annual events is marshmallow toasting over two nights on the Wellington waterfront during Ahi Ka, the celebration of Matariki. 2021 was no exception, with good weather bringing out large crowds. Club members operated the braziers, loaded marshmallows onto skewers, and helped children to enjoy the fun. ![]() ![]() |
RiverLink to transform Lower Hutt City![]() ![]() The RiverLink project is set to transform Lower Hutt City by turning the central city around to face the Hutt River, improving flood protection with improved stop banks, and improving walking, cycling, and transport access, Martin White, the Project Director. told a club meeting on 16 June. RiverLink is a partnership between the Greater Wellington Regional Council, the Hutt City Council and Wake Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. The current timetable would see detailed design and construction beginning in late 2022, with the new Melling Interchange and a pedestrian bridge linked to the city centre to be completed in late 2026. It is expected that the private sector will lead the redevelopment of key sites along the river corridor for residential and leisure use. The flood protection works include the deepening and widening of the river channel and a new stop bank on the eastern side of the river. The Melling transport improvements include a new and safer interchange, a new river bridge, a pedestrian and cycling bridge and the relocation to the south of the train station. |
Bowling for youth![]() Two of our favourite charities, the Naenae Boxing Academy and Innovative Young Minds, will benefit from a corporate lawn bowls day organised by the club and held on 7 May. Teams paid an entry fee and participants had the opportunity to win prizes donated by the club. The bowls day has become an annual event and is always popular with local businesses and organisations, offering fun and the chance to support young people in our community.
Wellington Children's Hospital![]()
Rotary District 9940 has a partnership commitment with the Hospitals Foundation, official charity of Wellington Regional Hospital, to raise $400,000 for two Whanau Rooms in the new Wellington Regional Children's Hospital – one on each of the surgical and medical wards. Each one will have their own play deck, an indoor play area for patients as well as a dedicated area for whanau with a kitchen, lounge, dining and sleep room for parents/ guardians who have a child in ICU. This provides vitally important support at this critical time in a child’s life. Naming recognition for Rotary will also be given for these rooms for an initial period of 7 years from the date the new Children’s Hospital is open to the public. In conjunction with the Club's marshmallow toasting event on 2-3 July, a collection raised a significant amount for the Rotary Children's Health Trust. |
Te Auraki - the Return![]() Rotarians are often at the forefront of challenging and important actions that help to make New Zealand a better place. At our club meeting on 3 March, Simon Manning, a funeral director and former President of the club, spoke movingly of his work as a member of the team responsible for Te Auraki. Te Auraki is a Defence Force initiative to repatriate to New Zealand the remains of defence force personnel and their dependants who died while overseas between 1955 and 1971. The choice to repatriate rests with the families, who reinter their relative at a place and time of their choosing. This was a complex and demanding task, involving liaison with foreign governments and militaries, funeral directors in the countries concerned and in New Zealand, and the families of the deceased. Not all families chose repatriation, but 35 did so. ![]() Simon was recognised by the Minister of Defence with the Award for Excellence for his and his company's role in this unique event. |
The future of Wellington Harbour travel is electric![]() Jeremy spoke at a meeting of the club on 4 November on the future of harbour ferry travel, which will be fully electric ferries developed by the Wellington Electric Boat Building Company Ltd. Two years ago, in partnership with Meridien Energy, the company began the process of manufacturing New Zealand's first all-electric, carbon fibre, zero emission passenger ferry and the first in the Southern Hemisphere. The new ferry is expected to go into service in 2021. It will be 18.5 metre 20 knot catamaran and will carry 135 passengers, substantially more than the current East-West ferries. The future is exciting. The company is receiving significant interest from other NZ ferry operators and will shortly expand to a significantly larger boat building warehouse in the next few months. The company aims to develop a new ferry route from Queens Wharf to Miramar Wharf with a run time of 10 minutes, linking with an electric shuttle bus from the wharf to the airport terminal. |
Riverlink - an update![]() The Riverbank Project has the aim of transforming Hutt City into a more resilient and liveable city, with strong connections to the Hutt River. The project partners have committed a total of $455 million to meet the expected project cost and preparatory work is underway. The Regional Council investment aims to improve flood protection through realigning, deepening and widening the river, increasing the size and height of stopbanks and improving biodiversity and water quality. The City Council prioritises enhancing walking and cycling connections, providing a promenade on the new eastern stopbank, and enabling future mixed-use development and public spaces. The NZTA investment will fund major transport improvements at Melling, including a new interchange, train station, and improved walking and cycling routes. Project designs are due to be finalised later in 2020 with construction to start in late 2022. |
Taking the pulseThough Covid has since June put some limitations on our usual community outreach, Rotary Hutt City is enjoying a successful year, based around three elements. First, where Covid allows, we are continuing to support our community through our effort and resources. In July, we provided collectors for the Womens' Refuge annual street collection, In August, we donated a dishwasher to the Hutt Hospital Childrens' Ward for the use of the nursing staff. We are also continuing to work with the Regional Council in support of the ongoing development of the Hutt River Trail, which by 2021 should comprise 54 kms of walking and cycling trails in the Hutt Valley - a phenomenal local asset. Second, our partnership with the Hutt City Council is driving forward the Innovative Young Minds initiative, which goes from strength to strength. While it was not possible this year to deliver a residential learning programme, IYM delivered in July an online programme to 70 young women in years 11 and 12, exposing them to research and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and high-tech manufacturing. ![]() Third, as an active group of committed individuals, we are growing our numbers and exploring new opportunities to serve community needs in Wainuiomata, a rapidly growing suburb of Hutt City but with no current Rotary presence. Alongside this growth strategy, we aim to provide our members with a range of networking and social opportunities and the opportunity to hear top-notch speakers at our fortnightly breakfast meetings. ![]() |
The start of a new Rotary yearA new Rotary year begins in July, with a new club president taking up his or her role for the next twelve months. In July 2020, we marked that occasion (known as Changeover) with a dinner at Boulcott's Farm Heritage Golf Club. ![]() In reviewing the achievements of the past year, Peter recalled highlights of our journey:- - Matariki marshmallows on Wellington Waterfront - the extension of the Hutt River Trail amenities, now totalling some 25km - our Rotary Young Leadership initiative - the annual Tree of Joy at Queensgate with gifts to more than 1500 Hutt Valley families - the independent status achieved by our Innovative Young Minds initiative - support given by the club to the Naenae Boxing Academy to benefit disadvantaged youth - our response to three months of the COVID–19 pandemic with weekly Zoom meetings - Government approval to begin construction of the long-sought Ngauranga to Petone Cycleway The evening brought an added thrill from the keen and very spirited bidding in two auctions led by Kaleb Barton of ‘The Professionals’ team offering Items donated by members. These ranged from vouchers for any desired building project to notably signed rugby balls, a hosted lunch for six to driving thrills in a racing car, and from a pair of embroidered towels featuring Covid-19 heroes Dr Ashley Bloomfield and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to a pair of pedigree orchids. |
Regular meetings resumeDuring levels three and four of the lockdown, we continued to meet virtually. Our weekly Zoom gatherings were strongly supported, with members joining in from locations across Australasia. Now that we are at level 1, we have been able to resume our regular 'in-person' meetings at our pre-Covid location of the Boulcott Farms' Heritage Golf Club. We welcome visitors - use the Contact function to let us know you are coming.
IYM - a success story(This is an except from an article that appeared in Rotary DownUnder, April 2020 - for the full article, go to the IYM section above) In 2016, Rotary Hutt City was looking for a new project that positively impacted young people and bought an economic benefit to the region. In consultation with schools, the business community and research organisations it was clear there was a need for greater diversity in the STEMM (science, technology, engineering, maths and high-tech manufacturing)sector where women are woefully underrepresented. Rotary Hutt City partnered with Hutt City Council and Innovative Young Minds, a local programme for 40 young women in year 11 and 12 at school, was established. Its aim—to encourage young women from diverse geographic, economic and cultural backgrounds to consider careers they may not know even exist! |
The Rotary Tree of Joy keeps on giving!![]() Our partner is the Salvation Army, who uplift the donated presents, sort them into age and gender categories and then pack them to each charity's requirements. The charities provide numbers of gifts they need to distribute to their families. This year we ran the 'Tree' for 11 days prior to Christmas, finishing at 6.00 pm on Christmas Eve. With 5-7 two-hour slots per day to ensure the Tree was manned at all times during Queensgate's opening hours it could have been a big ask to get volunteers, however the club members and friends readily signed up and we had the roster complete in no time. Club members enjoy the project and find it heart-warming hearing the stories of those who donate. Some donate remembering their own tough childhoods, others donate to teach their children that not everyone is as fortunate as them, some collect presents throughout the year and bring them at one time. The reasons are endless. |
The Great Harbour WayThe Rotary Club of Hutt City actively supports this project, it links our club to issues that impact on the future of our community. ![]() |
Hutt River Trail
A project of this scale over-reached the boundaries of just one Rotary Club, so all eight Rotary Clubs in the Upper and Lower Hutt Valley got on board to mark 50 years of Rotary in the valley. All clubs were enthusiastic and each one contributed many hours over the years to ensure the success of this initiative. It was the first co-operative project between all clubs.
Strategic Plan![]() To be a club of engaged members actively involved in working for the betterment of our local and international communities. To have a reputation for leading projects that will positively impact the individuals and communities we serve. We will demonstrate our shared values through:
The full plan document is available under Club Documents.
Sophie Miller's STEM DayIYM Alumna puts inspiration to good use Inspiration, initiative and hard work resulted in Samuel Marsden Whitby’s first ever STEM day (science, technology, engineering, maths) for the whole school - the brainchild of year 13 student Sophie Miller. Miller was inspired when she visited Harker School Research Symposium in Silicon Valley, California, with the 2019 Innovative Young Minds programme (IYM) in April this year. |
Rotarians in voluntary workRotary Hutt City members are active in many voluntary groups assisting our community. Examples are: Allan Brown E Tu Awakairangi Public Art Trust Great Harbour Way Charitable Trust Bill Sheat, OBE Bob Rowell Brian Ross Charles Peterson Ganesh Cherian Greg Thomas Ian Ramsay John Griggs Linton Adams Murray Brockelsby Neil Manthel Prue Lamason Robert Dong Sue Avison
Silicon Valley 2019 - Day 7Twitch, Privahini Bradoo, Exploratorium Mixed emotions today from the students. They don’t want the programme to finish but they are excited about being home with their families. We had an hour and a half bus ride into the city, so with bags packed — some to bursting — we settled in. It was an interesting ride for those that could stay awake, but for some, the week’s busyness was catching up and keeping eyes open was not an option. |
Silicon Valley 2019 - Day 6Singularity University, Victoria Ransom Q & A and Robotics with Notre Dame School Sun and 28 degrees, San Jose has put on a magnificent day for us to visit the Singularity University. Technically, it’s not a University because it keeps changing its curriculum and doesn’t qualify for accreditation, but it is a learning organisation. This is what the website says – “Preparing Global Leaders and Organisations for the Future. Explore the opportunities and implications of exponential technologies and connect to a global eco-system that is shaping the future and solving the world’s most urgent problems.” |
Silicon Valley 2019 - Day 5Professional Development Workshop, San Jose Rotary, Tech Museum The girls were delighted to have a slightly later start this morning. Our day began with a workshop run by Gaylene on how to get the best out of your life, your job, your studies, your future. Gaylene talked to them about self-limiting beliefs and how we are the only ones standing in the way of achieving what we want to achieve. She discussed with the students about working above the line – being accountable, taking ownership and being responsible for our own pathway as opposed to working below the line with blame, excuses and denial. |
Silicon Valley 2019 - Day 4Harker School Shadowing and Giants Baseball Game Anita Chetty and her team at Harker School have embraced our visit and gone out of their way to make our experience unique, educational and inspirational. Today our students had the opportunity to attend some classes with Harker School students and some classes made especially for us. The day started early with breakfast hosted at the school. Our students had already chosen the classes they wanted to attend, and they included a Biotech Class, Computer Science, Research Class, Analytical Chemistry, Anatomy Lab and Advanced Physics. |
Silicon Valley 2019 - Day 3Jet lag vanished, students were excited and chatty about the day ahead. For one of our students, arriving at Stanford University was a dream come true. So much so, if we had offered to leave her there, she would have gladly stayed – though I’m not sure her Mum would have been so happy. Stanford is set amongst orderly, landscaped gardens, surrounded by beautiful trees and wide walkways. Bicycles were everywhere and was the popular mode of transport around the vast campus. The buildings were modern and architecturally pleasing, though our guides referred to one of the buildings as ‘the Hamster Cage’. On closer inspection, I could see where they were coming from. |
Silicon Valley 2019 - Day 2Day 2 - Golden Gate Bridge, Fishermen’s Wharf and California Science Academy As everyone starts to feel more comfortable with each other we are finding ourselves laughing and joking more. As chaperones, we are enjoying getting to know the girls on a deeper level, hearing a bit about their families and what excites the students and challenges them and a few of the things that frustrate them. Their excitement and enthusiasm are contagious. The bus ride to San Francisco was strangely quiet, that is, until someone spotted Alcatraz and then the Golden Gate Bridge. Immediately the tiredness was cast aside, and the girls literally flew off the bus grinning from ear to ear, racing to the bridge, phones at the ready to capture a moment in time.
Silicon Valley 2019 - Day 1Day 1 Harker School Symposium Today was quite an early start after a long day travelling yesterday. For some students, prior to this trip, the longest flight they had experienced was the hour trip to Auckland! One of the girls announced the next time she was going to do a long-haul flight she would fly Business Class. I like her thinking. Today was an early start for the jetlagged girls. The bus was leaving at 7.30am and two of the students slept through numerous alarms and only just made it in time, grabbing a muffin from the breakfast room as they went to board the bus. We had a tight schedule so there was no opportunity for delay. |
Rotary Hutt City highlights of 2019![]() 2019 was a year of growth and innovative projects for Rotary Hutt City. Highlights included:
More success for IYM alumnae |
Students selected for the 2019 IYM programmeOnce again we have an exciting programme planned for our students this year. We will be visiting a range of businesses and educational and Crown Research Institutes. There will be something for everyone, along with some challenges and FUN!
Making Champion PeopleThe Billy Graham Youth Foundation was established by Rotary Hutt City members Billy and Kerri Graham. The Foundation operates the Naenae Boxing Academy and satellite academies nationally. Its mission is to empower young people to be the best they can be, through the disciplines of the sport of boxing. Our club recently held a corporate bowling day, raising $15,000 to support the Foundation. ![]() |
Marshmallows for Matariki
![]() As in past years, the club supplied free marshmallows - more than 10,000 in all - to adults and children attending the 2019 Matariki festival on the Wellington Waterfront. ![]() |
Greening the Hutt River Trail![]() The Taita Rock area of the Trail has attractive views across the river, but the adjoining stoepbank is bare and wind-swept. With assistance from the Greater Wellington Regional Council, our members and friends have planted over 700 trees as the first stage of a larger planting programme. |
Tribute to long time Rotarian![]() Ted was a good friend, a Rotary mate, and a business associate. We were mutual customers. We shared the same birth date, and his son John and I worked together for 6 years in the motor industry I was lucky to have been Teds friend.
I, like so many of you here today was privileged to have known Ted and the positive influence that he was to so many of us . |
IYM 2018 challenges young women![]() What do plastic flakes, fire engines, 3D CAD drawings, laser printing, ice cream made with liquid nitrogen, virtual reality, painted walls that turn on the lights when touched, and an anaechoic chamber have in common? These were all part of the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) experiences that 40 young women on the Innovative Young Minds (IYM) 2018 programme shared. |
Silicon Valley IYM tripIn 2019, we took a group of twelve IYM alumnae to Silicon Valley to experience science and technology on an international scale. Our programme saw us visit the Harker School Research Symposium, Microsoft - you should have seen their cafeteria! - NVIDIA, Singularity University, where we learnt about the future of work - exciting and challenging - Twitch, the gaming Company and Stanford University. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Creating opportunity in Silicon Valley, California![]() Rotary Hutt City, in partnership with the Lower Hutt City Council, is creating opportunity for young women who have been selected to participate in a learning experience in Silicon Valley in April 2019. A group of twelve high school students, along with two Rotarians and a HCC representative, are visiting schools, universities, and tech companies in Silicon Valley and meeting with tech entrepreneurs. Daily reports on the trip will be posted. |
Innovative Young Minds launches national programmeMedia are invited to attend the launch of the 2019 Innovative Young Minds programme - a pioneering initiative by Hutt City Council and Rotary Hutt City, which is changing the way young women view careers in science, technology, engineering and maths. For the first time IYM is expanding nationwide and doubling in size with opportunities provided to eighty female senior secondary school students to attend a week-long residential programme this year. IYM participants experience first-hand what it is like to work in diverse industries like ICT, engineering and high-tech manufacturing. Lower Hutt businesses and research-led companies, CRIs, and tertiary education providers open their doors to showcase the work they do and profile the myriad of job opportunities available in tech, engineering and science. |
MEDIA RELEASE- INNOVATIVE YOUNG MINDS LAUNCHES NATIONAL PROGRAMME![]() Acting Lower Hutt Mayor David Bassett acknowledged the support of Rotary Hutt City and other Rotary clubs around New Zealand as Innovative Young Minds expands nationwide for the first time.Innovative Young Minds was launched last night at The Dowse to a crowd of technologists, innovators, engineers, science and technology teachers, Rotarians and members of the Lower Hutt business community.
IYM - 2019Our 2019 programmeIn 2019, we will hold two sessions of the IYM programme during the July school holidays. Session 1 will run from 7th - 12th July and Session 2 will be held from 14th - 19th July. Students can indicate a preference for either session I and II and we will do our best to accommodate requests where possible. |
President's Column - Manners and Political Life![]() For a number of years I have been subscribing to Geopolitical Futures (GF), a US based company that charts the course of the international political system. George Friedman is the Chairman and Founder of GF and is a renowned geopolitical strategist and best selling author. He recently wrote and article which I thought was well worth while sharing with you. I found it quite different to the normal writings from GF but, nevertheless, very insightful. By George Friedman |
President's Column - Notes from the board meetingThe board met this last week and I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to bring you all up to speed with some of the matters the board has been dealing with. As many of our membership will be aware Pat Prescott recently requested leave of absence from the club given his wife Barbara is currently not well and Pat needs to give her his full attention. At our board meeting on Wednesday evening the board, after Secretary Bob Rowell talked with Pat, we made the call to offer Pat an Honorary Membership of our club. Pat has given many years of very loyal service to the Rotary Club of Hutt City and we thank him most sincerely for all the work he has undertaken on behalf of the club. Pat will always be welcome to attend our breakfast meeting and our best wishes go to them both. |
President's Column - The greatest female golfer of our generation![]() I was reading about the life of Annika Sorenstam who is often spoken of as the greatest female golfer of our generation. During her 16 year Hall-of-Fame career she rewrote the record books, won countless awards and changed the way women’s golf is played, viewed and covered. I was very interested to read some of her thoughts and views whilst giving a speech to a 3M executive meeting in Minneapolis recently. |
President's Column - Food for Thought![]() At our last breakfast meeting we inaugurated Hini Sullivan to our club as our latest new member. This brings our membership up to 40 which is going to be quickly overtaken by Douglas Webb who has made the decision to transfer his Rotary membership from Karori to Hutt City. It is great that we have created the opportunity of welcoming both Hini and Douglas to our membership ranks.
Presidents Column – 76 years of Rotary history![]() A little over 12 months ago there was a question mark over whether the Rotary Club of Hutt City would continue. Given that the club has been in existence for 76 years and has undertaken copious numbers of projects in support of our community the idea of us ‘shutting up shop’ was not one that was acceptable to all involved. Yes we have seen a significant reduction in membership over the last 33 years that I have been a member but the quality of the projects we have undertaken has remained at a very high level in fact in many cases it could be argued that we have undertaken projects that have performed at a very high level indeed, Shapeshifter being just one example.
IYM Challenges Young WomenIYM 2018 was a great success, and there are exciting plans for IYM 2019What do plastic flakes, fire engines, 3D CAD drawings, laser printing, ice cream made with liquid nitrogen, virtual reality, painted walls that turn on the lights when touched, an anaechoic chamber and early morning exercise all have in common? These were all part of the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) experiences that 40 young women on the Innovative Young Minds (IYM) 2018 programme shared. |
Marshmallow Toasting at Matariki 2018![]() Happiness is eating toasted marshmallows, especially on a chilly evening on the Wellington Waterfront. As part of the Matariki celebrations in Wellington, more than 20 Hutt City Rotarians were kept frantically busy on the Wellington Waterfront on Friday 29 June. They loaded 12,000 marshmallows on to skewers and then helped more than 3,000 excited marshmallow participants toast their marshmallows around the eight braziers. For two hours Rotarian, Linton Adams managed a queue stretching off into the darkness without (even once) being able to wipe the smile off his face. Here’s what the satisfied public had to say. |
IYM 2018 nearly upon usInnovative Young Minds (IYM) 2018 is a week-long technology and innovation programme for 40 year 11 and 12 female students that takes place in Lower Hutt in the first week of the July school holidays (8-13 July). Run jointly by Rotary Hutt City and Hutt City Council, our goal is to inspire young women to consider careers they may not even know exist by interacting with the diverse STEMM businesses, research organisations and education providers that our region is known for! The students spend time in a range of businesses where they will experience what it is like to be part of the fast-growing technology industry. They will get a taste of what tertiary institutions can offer them and engage with some of the cutting-edge research that Crown Research Institutes are undertaking. Applicants for 2018 have been selected - countdown to the programme has begun. |
Tree of JoyDuring December each year the Rotary Club of Hutt City has “The Tree of Joy” at Westfield Queensgate Mall in central Hutt. |
Tree of Joy-2016![]() I am constantly awed by the generosity of our community. Working at the Tree of Joy is always an emotional experience. So many give presents for so many different reasons. Yesterday a lady delivered 14 presents. I asked her about her gift and she told me her husband had recently passed away. She didn't want to have Christmas on Christmas Day this year. She wanted to spend it alone without celebrating. This was her Christmas gift - shopping for presents for children who otherwise would not have anything to open on Christmas morning! WOW, what a bittersweet story. Another Mum and her daughter arrived with a Santa sack full.
IYM Innovative Young Minds is launchedA technology and innovation leadership programme for young women in the Wellington Region Rotary Hutt City, in partnership with Hutt City Council, our Principal Sponsor, and Hutt Valley High School, have launched a new Rotary youth programme aimed at year 11 and 12 female students. We are excited about this new initiative! |
President's Column - Mental health issues with young people![]() Carole and I have just returned from Noosa where we spent three relaxing weeks in sunny warm temperatures. Just what the doctor ordered after another Wellington winter. As you do when you are holiday you have time to read, five books in three weeks for me, and to watch a bit of television. One particular morning I was watching the breakfast show on Channel Nine and an interview with a young Australian man, I would put him at around 35 years of age, who had graduated with a teaching degree. Unfortunately I didn’t get the name of this young guy as it wasn’t until the interview had progressed that I really started to take interest and listen to him. |
India celebrates three years without polio![]() The three-year achievement sets the stage for polio-free certification of the entire Southeast Asia region by the World Health Organization. The Indian government also plans to convene a polio summit in February to commemorate this victory in the global effort to eradicate polio. |
Saving lives in Ghana![]() A highlight for the team was greeting the chief of Sagadugu. The team got excited about buying goats and food for children in the villages where I support eight churches. It was good to see the pastors of most of the eight churches, and I had to explain that we were just passing through on our way to Bolgatanga. |
Helping people with disabilities make their own music![]() Music has been an important part of leading an ordinary life for students at the Music School for Children With Disabilities in Honor of Paul Harris in Lublin, Poland. Founded by Rotary members, the school serves 20 students with various disabilities, including Down syndrome, autism, and visual impairments. The Rotary Club of Lublin-Centrum-Maria Curie-Sklodowska has provided funding with help from Rotary Foundation Matching Grants and the Henryk Wieniawski Musical Society, which houses the school. After their son Mateusz was born with underdeveloped eyes, Mariusz and Joanna Kania looked for ways to help him be active. When he showed an aptitude for music, they looked for a teacher and were thrilled to find the Paul Harris music school. |
Finding Safe HavenAfter serving her time, Bianca sought help from a local homeless organization, A Safe Haven, and moved to its shelter in the Rogers Park neighborhood. Bianca followed the program closely -- she attended all the required meetings, passed drug tests, and volunteered at every opportunity.
Tree of Joy 2015![]() On the 14th of December Bruce Gough put up the Rotary Hutt City Tree of Joy. By the 24th of December 1,754 presents had been donated and distributed to 10 different charities. Our club members made sure the tree was attended from 9:00am until 10:00pm for 10 straight days. Denise and Stephen Crump, Pastors of the Salvation Army in Lower Hutt, lent space for sorting presents and gave at least 100 hours of their time. |